Epiphytic or rarely terrestrial herbs. Stems tufted, erect or pendulous, slender, more or less compressed, leafy throughout, surrounded by sheaths of leaves. Leaves numerous, distichous, elliptic or oblong, often twisted at base and all lying in one plane. Racemes terminal and lateral, usually shorter than leaves; bracts persistent. Flowers many, crowded, perianth not widely spreading; dorsal sepal free; lateral sepals adnate to foot of column forming mentum; lip adnate to foot of column and incumbent on it, unlobed or obscurely 3-lobed, apex recurved, base saccate, with broad tongue-like appendage projecting toward base and covering sac; column stout, with long and broad foot; anther terminal, erect on dorsal side of column; pollinia 6, waxy, clavate, connected by slender caudicle to viscidium; stigma entire; rostellum prominent, erect, often bifid